The Power of Persistent Prayer

If we can learn anything from St. Monica, it is the power of persistent prayer. When it seems that someone we love has gone astray, what can we do? Surely, God will guide us when the time is right, so we must be persistent in prayer. If not, we might miss his call.

What is your prayer routine? Do you have a prayer routine? I do now, but I didn’t for the first 50 years or so of my life. Without a routine, it is harder to find that persistence. Let’s be honest, the hectic schedules of our lives can take over pretty quickly. If there isn’t a purposeful plan to schedule prayer time each day, the day will frequently get away from us.

For me, the best time is in the morning, even though I’ve never been a morning person. Since my teaching schedule starts early each day, I’m usually the first person awake in my house. I have grown to really love that quiet time for prayer. I curl up on my chaise in the living room to read the daily post from Blessed is She, and then I write in my prayer journal. Blessed is She (found here) sends me a daily email with a link to the readings of the day, followed by a devotional meditation written by one of the 40 women on their team. I find it a great journal prompt for my prayer journal.

Why did it take me so long to start this routine? I have been Catholic my whole life, and I had 12 years of Catholic school education. Everyone told us how important it is to pray. I suppose I was a slow learner!

But now that I have this daily routine, everything in my life goes more smoothly. I am mentally, physically, and spiritually ready to face each day. And thanks to St. Monica’s example, I feel confident that I will be able to make a difference for those that I love, no matter what they need.

Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for all you taught St. Monica with the example of Your life the lessons You shared while You were on this earth. Thank you for building a Church with so many wonderful role models like St. Monica, who help us learn to follow Your way. Please guide us to find a regular prayer routine as we strive to draw nearer to You. And help us to emulate St. Monica’s faith, which she demonstrated by her persistent prayers and fasting over more than two decades for the benefit of her son, St. Augustine.