The Example of Margaret Mary for Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

I remember my parents telling me about the Sacred Heart of Jesus appearing to St. Margaret Mary, my patron saint. I was always proud to be named for someone so important, but I don’t think I really appreciated her devotion. Again, she was so young to take on such an important calling, and she had to persevere even when no one seemed to believe her.

I’m not sure if I have that kind of strength even now. But we know that God’s grace is limitless, and He shares it with us when we really need it. Still, I know that I have to be willing to accept that grace. Maybe that’s what makes the difference. St. Margaret Mary is another role model for us when we try to discern God’s call in our lives. As important and difficult as it can be just to determine God’s will, we also need the fortitude to accept His will and the grace to accomplish what He asks of us.

So let’s think about what Jesus asked us to do in devotion to His Sacred Heart. In addition to the establishment of the feast, we are called to frequently receive Holy Communion and to observe a Holy Hour of Prayer each Thursday evening. These are not things that I have worked into my life at this point, but I would like to start. Since St. Margaret Mary is my name saint, I should probably honor her greatest mission in this world.

I can certainly take my Sacred Heart picture off my dresser and hang it on the wall. I ought to be able to work in an hour of prayer on Thursday nights, too. The one that has me stumped, frankly, is the first Friday Eucharist. My daily schedule as a high school teacher doesn’t allow me to get to mass in the morning or at lunch. As a teacher, I’m doing good if I can find 20 minutes for a lunch break during the day.

I bet when we were kids, a lot of parishes had mass or communion services in the evening on the first Friday of each month. I wonder if any parishes do that today. If you know of someplace that does, please share it in the comments at the bottom of the page. I’d love to hear if anyone has found a way to honor this part of the Sacred Heart devotion.

Jesus, thank You for the mercy You offer to us, especially through devotion to Your Sacred Heart. Please help us to live lives that set the example of Your endless love in the world so that we will be a beacon of light through the darkness. Guide us to show the love of Your Sacred Heart to everyone we meet.