Starting a Catholic Women’s Study Group

I am excited to announce that I am ready to go with a study group for Catholic women. If you are near Mason, Ohio, maybe you would like to join us. If not, please share this with any Catholic women who might be in the area.

This is finally possible thanks to a generous offer from my dear friend, who is allowing me to use her boutique for our gatherings. How can I be so blessed? Let me tell you about the Empowered Catholic Women group:

Sisters, do you ever worry that popular culture fosters negativity and division? Have you ever wondered how God might be calling us to bring our world back to Him? Would you just like to spend a little time sharing the beauty of our faith?

I found an organization called Endow that “envisions a world where every woman has the opportunities, the knowledge, the courage and the support to be the best version of herself.” I have been following them for almost a year, and I am always inspired by their message. The Church has also officially stated that Endow is, “a perpetual entity aligned in apostolic mission and of unique importance to the propagation of the Catholic Faith.”

The materials for Endow groups allow us to come together once a week and grow in our faith. THERE IS NO HOMEWORK BETWEEN MEETINGS. I’m starting with their “Letter to Women” study.

  • Enjoy regular fellowship with other Catholic women.
  • Learn how St. John Paul II taught us that the world needs the feminine genius.
  • Explore our unique ability and duty to win back the culture from its fundamentally secular influence.

If this sounds interesting, you would just need to buy the study book from Endow and let me know that you’re coming. I wold love to share this journey with you! Also, please invite anyone else who might be interested. Here is an invitation with all the details.