St. Catherine Has Fire in Her Soul

In her writing, St. Catherine often used fire imagery to teach about Christianity. Fire is the perfect image for the all consuming love that God calls us to share. She often described “Divine Fire – a symbol for the experience of God’s presence in contemplative prayer.” (more info here, para 6) Catherine certainly lived the life of someone consumed by God’s love, determined to share it with the world.

Catherine was one of the most popular mystics in the Church. Her wisdom and teaching attracted a huge following, and still does today. Perhaps her most famous quote is, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” (found here, para 1, and certainly countless other places!)

I think this sentiment is as relevant today as it was in the 14th century. After all, that is the challenge in our lives, isn’t it? We are all searching to find out who God means for us to be. We know that the joy God has in store for us is found by following His will in our lives. And so we seek the right path.

But how will we know that we’re on the right path? I suppose that is where the fire can help us. Certainly we will notice the impact when we “set the world on fire.” I believe we first feel that fire in our hearts and souls. Then we manage to spread that fire of love to others.

This is the way I picture setting the world on fire. I don’t think it has to mean becoming a famous speaker or presenter who impacts thousands of people at a time. I think our job is to spread the fire of God’s love to everyone we meet by the example of our lives, and to stoke the fire as much as possible so it is sustained. Then each person who receives the fire can’t help but share it, too. …and so on, and so on. (I sound like a shampoo commercial, don’t I? Am I showing my age with that reference?)

But seriously, that has to be the core of St. Catherine’s message. What matters is that we let God lead us to do His work, and let that fire keep spreading.

Dear God, please continue to guide us on the path to Your will for us. Help us to feel the fire of Your love in our hearts and souls, and teach us to share the fire with everyone we meet.