St. Anne, Intercessor for Expectant Mothers

Expectant mothers face so many mixed emotions! The anticipation that comes with pregnancy can be both joyous and frightening, all at the same time. Since my children are adults now, I have to reach back into fairly distant memories to recall my feelings and experiences as an expectant mother, but I definitely remember one thing. It wasn’t boring!

Of course, much like the children, each pregnancy, is different. Besides differences in the mothers, even the multiple pregnancies of one mother can vary. Sometimes there is a lot of morning sickness, even lasting beyond the morning. Other times, she won’t have the sickness. Talking to women who have large families, it sounds like the first pregnancy is a MUCH different experience from a fourth or fifth one. I’m not sure if that’s just because she knows what to expect or if our bodies change with each new child we carry.

Of all the emotions we feel as expectant mothers, I hope the predominant one can be a sense of awe at the beauty of creation. That’s not to say that all the physical details of pregnancy seem particularly beautiful. As with most amazing natural processes, the process of bringing a child into the world can get messy, to say the least. But there are moments, maybe when you feel the baby kick, that all you can do is praise the Lord. How can you help but appreciate the power of God when you look into the eyes of your newborn child?

My oldest child is my daughter, Joy. I remember those first days when we were still in the hospital. My favorite moments, and the ones I can picture to this day, were the times when they brought her to me during the night to nurse. In general, the room was quieter at night than during the day. Also, I seemed to always wake up on my own just before they brought her to me. I can picture her being rolled into the room in the little clear plastic crib. Her eyes were bright, and the expression on her face was one of contentment. My heart jumps again just remembering.

So let’s ask St. Anne, please intercede for all the expectant mothers in the world. Let them remain healthy and eventually give birth to happy healthy babies. Let them receive the support they need from family and friends.

Before we move on from this topic, let’s also remember that sometimes the news of a new pregnancy is not a joyous moment. Sometimes a baby does not seem to fit in the plans. Maybe a couple is struggling with finances or even with other health issues so a baby is not what they currently want. Maybe the mother is facing the pregnancy all alone with no support from the baby’s father. I remember a homily when one of our favorite older priests talked about working in a home for unwed mothers. He pointed out that he believes Jesus has particular compassion for unwed mothers because after all, that is how His mother began her pregnancy.

There can be a lot of reasons that the initial news of a pregnancy would be stressful. With that thought in mind, let’s also ask St. Anne to say an extra prayer for those experiencing unwanted pregnancies. Give them extra strength to face all the trials ahead of them, with the hope that they will make it to the joyous moments of parenthood.

Lord, help us to follow the example of St. Anne in caring for each other, especially expectant mothers. Much like St. Anne must have felt when she finally became pregnant, help pregnant women to realize the beautiful blessing of creation they are experiencing. Guide us to provide the support and love that expectant mothers need as they carry their babies and when the children are born.