St. Kateri in Our Lives

Today, let’s do our best to set an example of God’s love in the world, like Kateri did so well in her life. Find one thing you can do today for someone else to show God’s love.

To get us started on the right foot, start with this prayer:


God our Father, Whom Kateri Tekakwitha liked to call the Great Spirit,
We thank you for having given us this young woman as a model of Christian life.
Despite her frailness and her community’s resistance, she bore witness to the presence of Christ.
With her companions, she drew close to the elderly and to the sick.
Every day, she saw in nature a reflection of your own glory and beauty.
Grant that by her intercession we may always be close to you, more sensitive to the needs of those around us, and more respectful of creation. With her, we shall strive to discover what pleases you and endeavour to accomplish it until that day you call us back to you.   Amen!

(The prayer can be found here.)