Jesus’ Promise to Margaret Mary for Mercy

One of the Twelve Promises of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary for those Devoted to His Sacred Heart is that “Sinners Shall Find in My Heart the source of an infinite ocean of mercy.” (Here is the link to that church site again with the list of all 12 Promises.) Isn’t that a great comfort, infinite mercy for sinners. Because let’s face it, that’s all of us.

It reminds me of the Jesus Prayer. I had never heard of it by that name until recently when I was reading the daily devotional on a Catholic blog, so I had to look it up. It turns out, I recognize the prayer, just not by that name. Anyway, I now end every entry in my prayer journal with it. It’s so simple: Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Do you ever get to that point when you’re starting to feel proud of yourself for all the good decisions you are making and all the times you make an effort to show love …and then you realize that maybe humility might be a virtue that you need to develop a bit better? Or you’re at mass and you realize that your thoughts are a million miles away? Do you ever feel badly because you realize you were being judgmental of someone when you should have been understanding?

These are the moments that I love the Jesus Prayer, and I love that it is essentially part of the promise Jesus makes to us for devotion to His Sacred Heart. I am so thankful that St. Margaret Mary brought us this wonderful message.

Jesus, we are so grateful for the messages that You sent to us through St. Margaret Mary. Help us to remember her devotion to Your Sacred Heart and to live by her example in our lives.