Friendship Between Jesus and Mary Magdalene

It seems that Mary Magdalene was many things, including a dear friend to Jesus. He clearly honored that friendship when he chose her to be the first witness to His resurrection. How well do we honor our friendships? 

If we are the body of Christ, with a mission on earth to spread His love and do His work, then certainly, we should be a source of God’s love to our friends. Since we are all on a journey to become the best versions of ourselves, the best way we can be Christ-like to our friends is to help them on that journey. Do I support my friends on their journeys? Do I provide a positive influence? Am I a source of positive reinforcement and encouragement? 

But friendship is a two-way street. I also need to be thankful for the love and support that my friends have given me. I need to recognize the hand of God working through my friends. Have you had moments when you could feel God’s love through a friendship?

Here is an example of one time when I was about 19 years old and living with my grandmother so I could attend the university near her home. I was having a particularly bad day and worrying about so many things, not the least of which was the fact that my grandmother was in the hospital after taking a fall down the front steps. I remember thinking about calling my dear friend, Angel, because she was always a great sounding board for me.

But I stopped. We hadn’t spoken in quite some time. I suddenly felt very guilty for not keeping in contact with her better, and I certainly didn’t feel like it would be right to just call her out of the blue, after so much time had passed, just to dump my problems in her lap. That thought no sooner passed through my head, when the phone rang…

“Hi Margie, I was just thinking about you and thought I’d give you a call.”

“Angel?” Are you kidding me? Right at THAT particular moment she just happened to think of me and felt compelled to call? As the tears streamed down my face, I shared everything with her. It was as if no time had passed at all, and my spirit was certainly lifted!

I’m not sure that I properly thanked God for tapping Angel on the shoulder that evening and asking her to call me. With all of my Catholic school education, and even with the outstanding example set for me by my parents and other family members, I’m not sure if I even acknowledged God’s influence in such moments back then. I would like to believe that I’m doing better with that now.

Do I recognize Christ acting through my friends? Do I really appreciate God’s love that is shown to me in my friends? 

Lord, thank you for the wonderful friends you have put in our lives, who show us your love everyday. Help us to be your messengers to them and to always treasure your gift of such friendships in our lives.

Friends, please let us all know what you think in the comment section at the bottom of the page.