Finding Trust in God

This might be the most remarkable theme that emerges from the life of St. Teresa Benedicta. As a young woman named Edith Stein, she doubted her faith so much that she completely turned away from God for several years. But when she found Christianity, it became the center of her life.

As a young woman Edith studied the great philosophers, including Christian thinkers. She became a popular speaker and was invited by many different groups to share her insights. She described that part of her calling, “I always come down to my one topic: how important it is to learn to live at God’s hands.” (cited here, para 53)

Well I suppose that is the challenge for all of us. It can be so difficult to really put full trust in God when things in this life start piling up. Imagine letting go of worry completely and resting in the knowledge that the Lord will provide. That is the benefit of full trust in God, and we can all have it. God offers his grace to us at all times. We just have to take it.

So why is that so hard for us to do? Sister Benedicta made it sound so easy. Just “Learn to live at God’s hands.” (also cited here, para 5)  But I expect you are feeling like me, and thinking that it’s easier said than done.

Certainly, we’ve seen this trust in so many of the saints, so the example is there for us. It is striking how many of the saints experienced terrible hardships in their lives but remained in the joy of faith. That is real trust in God.

But how can we all find that kind of lasting joy, even through the hard times? I suspect it starts in our prayer lives. Maybe it will become more natural as we continue to study the lives of the saints.

I also think this is where we need to learn to receive the Holy Spirit in our hearts. Remember, Jesus said, “The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name – he will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” (John 14:26) So maybe if we get in the habit of acknowledging the Holy Spirit, and learn to really listen for His guidance, we will find that lasting joy that God wants us to have.

Dear Lord, we thank You for being so patient with us as we muddle through this life searching for Your path. We are so grateful that You continue to shower us with grace and mercy, even when we do not seem to fully trust in You. Please help us to find that trust and to let go of the needless worry that we allow to creep into our minds each day.