Daughters of God

Finally, Mark frames this book as a snapshot of God’s love for us, as His daughters. In Mark’s words, “Take time during each chapter to speak to your Father or, better yet, to allow Him to speak to you. Share with your friends and sisters in Christ the passages that most strike you, the verses that most comfort you, or the lines that most convict you. In doing so, you will soon find this work to be more of a retreat than a resource, more a journey than just a walk.”

That’s the approach I hope we can take together. Over the coming weeks, we can walk through this collection of stories from the divinely inspired Word of God, these stories that highlight some of the amazing women in the history of God’s people.

So if you’re reading the book with me, let’s continue by reading just the Introduction section over the next couple days. I’ll post again on Tuesday with a discussion of one topic from the Introduction and pose a discussion question. I hope we can get some dialogue going this week!