Be Peace

I was planning to write something today in honor of the Feast of the Sacred Heart. I always feel connected to this feast more strongly because St. Margaret Mary is my patron saint. So I started the day wondering how the Sacred Heart of Jesus might be present in my heart in a special way today.

Of course, that wasn’t the primary thought in my mind as I was choosing what to wear today. But when I opened the drawer and saw this shirt, it made me smile. I had no idea it would lead to a lovely encounter with a stranger.

The cashier at the store this morning commented that she liked it. She kept repeating, “Be peace,” and smiling. Then she posed this very intriguing question: “What’s the difference between ‘be peace’ and ‘be peaceful’?”

Of course, we had a brief discussion of her question before I left the store, and it made me really ponder what it would mean to “be peace.”

Our discussion also reminded her of a thought that she heard in a class she took at some point: “You have to be …before you can do.” Don’t you just love that?

Anyway, instead of sharing my thoughts about her question today, I’ll leave it for you to ponder. Have a great day!!