A Life of Service

Studying the life of St. Cecilia reveals an exemplar of Christian service. Her husband, Valerian, and his brother, Tiburtius, took on the task of burying Christians who were martyred, which eventually got them arrested and martyred, themselves. Of course they knew that was a risk when they chose to serve their church community in that way. Cecilia also knew the risks when she picked up where they left off while preaching the good news of Jesus Christ. Yet she continued to serve in the face of danger.

What can we learn from that example? Fortunately, we are not surrounded by martyred Christians in need of burial, but our church communities always need support. I have seen estimates that say 20% of the members of any church do 80% of the church work. Am I part of the 80%? Is there something else I should be doing?

Imagine if even half of the inactive members of any church began to seek active service opportunities. What additional ministry could the church accomplish? How much more could the church impact the community? Then imagine the snowball effect of that good work.

Now let’s just try to picture what would happen if the same improved level of service was seen in churches across the world. Such an increase in ministry would cause noticeable improvements in so many lives. Certainly, that is what Jesus meant when he told us to be members of His body. You know, the greatest will be the least… whatever you do for the least of my brothers… all of that. We are called to serve.

Cecilia clearly knew that. Valerian and Tiburtius figured it out almost instantly after converting to Christianity. I’ve been a Catholic Christian all of my life, and I’m not sure I get it as well as them. So let’s all examine our service. Let’s try to become part of the 20%. In fact, let’s try to make it more like 30% or 40%. I don’t really have control over enough people to force a huge movement of more active Christians, but I can lead by example and take every opportunity to inspire others.

Lord, teach us to serve Your church as You wish. Guide us to find ways to do the work of the church and inspire others to join us. Together, we believe Christians could change the world. Help us to be the change we wish to see in the world.