What Does God Expect from Me?

In today’s Gospel, Jesus sees several wealthy people making offerings in the temple, as well as a poor widow, who only gives two small coins. Jesus teaches us that the widow gave the greater gift because it was a real sacrifice for her.

That really is how the Lord judges us, isn’t it? He knows what we have; He knows what we can do; and He knows our hearts. We aren’t judged by comparison to one another. We are judged by the way we respond to His call.

In a lot of ways, that takes the pressure off of us. Then again, in some ways, the pressure is on. I have to figure out what God has planned for me, which isn’t always as obvious as I would like. Do you ever wish you could just literally hear God tell you what to do? I get so stuck in my own head sometimes. “Did I just think of that because it’s what I want to think that God wants me to do? Or, did the Holy Spirit really guide my thoughts?”

I know it’s never easy to be sure, but I also feel pretty confident that if I continue to spend time in prayer, I’ll figure it out. Let’s say an extra prayer today for that continued guidance.