The Feast of Christ the King

This weekend we celebrate the feast of Christ the King, and boy do we need it right now! What a comfort to focus on our one true King instead of worrying about the troublesome lack of leadership in the world today.

I would imagine that most people, regardless of their voting habits, find it difficult to trust anyone in the public arena, from the politicians to the “news” media and even the entertainment industry. It seems like everyone has a spin, and it gets increasingly difficult to find the truth.

But we know the good news. Christ is King of our lives, and we just need to follow Him.

Honestly, we could probably just ignore the political fighting and smear campaigns that dominate public discourse. Let’s face it, the political establishment is so disfunctional, it is doubtful they will actually do anything. If that is the case, then we can continue to live our lives with faith that God is in control.

The Gospel reading for this feast reminds us that whatever we do for the least among us, we do for God. That is our focus. Let’s serve our King by caring for His people, especially the least ones.

We can embrace our call to serve the King by serving one another. If we all do that, we could change the world! It won’t matter what the politicians do.