Psalm 54

For the leader. On stringed instruments. A maskil of David,

when the Ziphites came and said to Saul, “David is hiding among us.”

O God, by your name save me.
By your strength defend my cause.

O God, hear my prayer.
Listen to the words of my mouth.

Strangers have risen against me;
the ruthless seek my life;
they do not keep God before them.

God is present as my helper;
the Lord sustains my life.

Turn back the evil upon my foes;
in your faithfulness, destroy them.

Then I will offer you generous sacrifice
and give thanks to your name, LORD, for it is good.

Because it has rescued me from every trouble,
and my eyes look down on my foes.

Psalms 54:1-9

“God is present as my helper; the Lord sustains my life.” I want that kind of confidence! Actually, I believe I get there sometimes. Certainly, I’ve had days when I feel like I can see God’s call in my life so clearly, and it gives me strength. It gives me joy!

I hope all of you have experienced them, too – those beautiful moments when all the pieces seem to fit together to spell out God’s love in your life. It creates such a sense of clarity, and it fills my heart. Have you experienced that kind of joy?

I recall an early Sunday morning, about a year ago. For some reason, I was compelled to start investigating my options for studying theology. While the family was still asleep, before I woke everyone for church, I got online and looked up various options in my area and online; I took 3 or 4 pages of notes and decided I would call each of them that week for more information.

Then I woke everyone and we all got ready to go to mass. Fr. Jack Wessling said our mass that day, which is always a blessing. I can’t remember right now the exact context of his homily that day, but I remember being appreciative of it. Then he did something that I didn’t see coming.

After Communion, he stood to speak before the rest of us joined him in standing. He wanted to tell us something else that occurred to him and he felt compelled to share. He went on to explain how important women have been in the Church throughout his ministry. In that very moment, he just wanted us to know that.

I think my heart skipped a beat as the tears started to stream down my cheeks. I smiled through the tears as I contemplated God’s message to me on that day. My husband and daughter just looked at me in amazement, feeling the glory of the moment right with me.

Here I am, just about a year later. I am writing a Christian blog, which you actually choose to read! How blessed I am to have this little community of believers, willing to share my journey. Furthermore, I am in my second semester of the study of theology, which I love!

Currently, I am working on a plan to launch a weekly Catholic women’s study group this summer, hoping we can meet at my church, to share our faith with one another. I am reviewing materials from two sources, and I plan to pitch the idea to our DRE while I’m on spring break next week. Fingers crossed!!

Sure there are bumps in the road. I got less than 4 hours sleep Tuesday night because third quarter grades were due, and I had a few piles of tests/quizzes left to grade. I’m getting to school extra early each morning because it’s taking me forever to prepare all the materials for the two new classes I’m teaching this year. Sometimes, as I get really busy, I worry that I’m neglecting my husband a bit.

But you know what? I can slow down and spend time with him. The world will keep spinning. So I was up late one night. I’ll get more sleep for the rest of the week. The paperwork at school can seem overwhelming, but it will get done. I just need to let go and let God!

As long as I don’t compromise when it comes to starting each day in prayer, it all works out. Walking into each day like that, I am prepared for anything that might happen. Let’s go out into the world and spread the good news, smile and greet the people we meet, pray for the Holy Spirit to guide our hearts in compassion and love. Amen, sisters!

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March 21, 2019 9:39 am

Thank you for doing what you do. I look foeward to this blog each morning.