Elizabeth Loved Holy Eucharist

As I was reading about her, several sources mentioned that Elizabeth had a particular fondness for the Eucharist. In fact, she was drawn to receiving communion regularly, even before she became Catholic. One source (cited here, para. 5) said that even in the practice of her first Christian faith, which didn’t place as much importance on communion, she used to go to from one church to another on Sundays to receive Communion twice.

Sometimes I think those of us who grew up practicing our faith take certain things for granted. I think Holy Eucharist is one of them. It’s something we have received at least once a week since about 2nd grade. Maybe the regularity allows it to become simply part of the routine. I think there is a risk that we will lose track of what a wonderful gift it really is.

Coincidentally, this Sunday we just heard a Gospel passage in which Jesus is teaching us about His sacrifice in the Eucharist. “Anyone who does eat my flesh and drink my blood has eternal life, and I shall raise that person up on the last day.” (John 6:54) He continues, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me and I live in that person.” (John 6:56)

Have you ever really thought about those words? This is an amazing promise, and I sometimes think I’ve heard it so many times that I don’t listen as intently as I should. How often do I feel alone or afraid? How often am I overcome with worry? Have I learned to take these concerns with me to the table of the Lord? Or have I forgotten the power of the Bread of Life that I am so lucky to receive?

If we really appreciate the gift of Holy Eucharist, how can we miss any opportunity to receive it? St. Elizabeth Ann Seton was completely enamored with this gift. Some believe that Catholic teaching about Eucharist is one of the major aspects of the faith that led to her conversion. (for example, see here and here)

Lord Jesus, thank you for the wonderful gift of your body and blood that we are privileged to receive. Thank you for Your perfect gift of eternal life and full communion with You. Please be patient with us when we fail to remember just how lucky we are. Guide us to take advantage of Your gracious gift whenever we can.

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[…] hope you’ll join me this week as we explore Mother Seton’s favorite Psalm, her love of the Eucharist, her devotion to the Blessed Mother, her devotion to God’s will, and her patronage of […]