
In today’s Best Advent Ever video, Matthew Kelly mentioned an aspect of today’s Gospel that doesn’t always come to mind. It is the story of feeding thousands of people with just 7 loaves and 2 fish.

Of course, there are themes that are typically discussed. Certainly, some people see it as a foreshadowing of the Eucharist. It is also another example of Christ’s limitless compassion and desire to provide for our needs, and obviously, an example of a beautiful miracle.

But here’s the part I often forget. Did you notice that Jesus doesn’t just give the food directly to the people? He makes sure that the disciples participate in the miracle. The entire event is a collaboration between Jesus and His followers.

And isn’t that the model for us? Everything we do is better if we remain focused on our collaboration with Christ. After all, we are members of His body.

Maybe today, I need to collaborate in Christ’s mission to bring more love into the world. Is it possible that I am supposed to be the friend someone needs in a crisis? Do I need to remind a friend of her dignity as a daughter of God? Perhaps it is my job to pick up the pieces after a heartbreak.

Similarly, how often do we see problems and get terribly frustrated when we can’t solve them ourselves? Let’s face it, there are a lot of things going on in our world that seem desperate. Seriously, when will this pandemic ever end? Will there ever be true civil discourse in this country again? How can we ever combat the secularist morality that is twisting our culture into a tangled mess?

Well, here’s the deal. Of course it is impossible for any of us to solve those huge problems on our own. However, if we can tune in to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can become part of a beautiful collaboration with God because God will solve all problems in God’s way and in God’s time. I don’t know about you, but I would love to be part of that collaboration!