What does it really mean when I say I am an everyday Catholic woman? I suppose I imagined it to mean that I want to share my experiences and hopefully generate conversation around those normal life events that we all face. It was always my hope that someone out there might read my words and think, “oh hey, I’ve felt like that before.” Or maybe even “wow, it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who deals with things like that.”
There are certainly a lot of issues facing Catholics these days, and even more for Catholic women. We need to come together and support one another, especially in these crazy times.
So, I’m going to start writing in more of a stream-of-consciousness style. At the end of the day, I’m just going to share whatever is on my heart. I invite you to respond in the comments on my site or on my Facebook page or Twitter. …do I need to finally break down and get on Instagram?
Anyway, for tonight I’m just thinking we need to find ways to get true Catholic voices out there – to maybe break down some stereotypes. Let’s start by just talking about the biggest issues facing us, and maybe someday we’ll find a way to spread the good news “to all the world.”